As a lot of you know I am studying abroad in Spain for a semester embarking on life changing experiences and meeting people from all over the world. But what many of you don't know is that the Spanish lifestyle can get boring at times for a city girl such as myself because you end up doing the same activities (beach days, climbing the various mountains, attending classes, nightlife, and taking siestas) constantly every week and there is no element of surprise. I started to think what can I do to keep myself busy and entertained during my last few weeks here in Spain.

From there we started a conversation about Nigerian culture (which was mainly led by me) because she had never been to Nigeria and knows little about the Nigerian culture or her roots. Therefore, I was telling everyone about my personal experience as a Nigerian-American and the lovely and life changing aspects about my beloved country. I expressed to my fellow sister that people identify themselves more with their tribe more than the country itself. For example, she and I are both Nigerians but we are descendants from different tribes; I am from Edo State or Benin and her father's side of the family is from Igboland. Through this, I was able to inform her about the differences between our two tribes despite being from the same country. I assured her that regardless of our differences we all still consider each other as family. Overall, I was happy I went to the tapas cooking class because I was able to learn new dishes to bring back home and was able to meet a fellow sister of mine and talk and about my Nigerian culture.
*** Election Day Has Finally Arrived and the Results Are In !***
Shockingly, the Spaniards were so consumed by the election race as Americans were because they continuously asked us what we thought about the elections and who we wanted to be our next president. Many of us expressed how this election is probably the most unorthodox in US history because how can an inexperienced person in politics who disregards the humanity and respect of women, people of color, immigrants, muslims, and homosexuals have the potential of becoming the next president of the United States of America? On the other hand, a more than qualified woman was losing the trust of her country and potentially the election due to her past with classified emails.
Many people were certain that Trump had no chance of winning the election. Personally, a part of me wanted to believe that Trump had no opportunity of winning but that was not the case. I have learned that in our culture of America, many people tend to publicly say one thing and then behind close doors do the complete opposite. I noticed this to be true before I left to Spain, (e.g it was more culturally acceptable to say yes I am going to vote for Clinton to prevent backlash for saying they will vote for Trump.) Therefore, when Trump became our newly elected president I wasn't in total shock because I realized that I prepared myself for the worst case scenario as the election results grew closer. Afterwards, I spoke to my parents and they were both in disbelief; my mother said there is reason why God chose him to be the president and my father was so sick to his stomach that he was unable to decipher what had just occurred. After the elections back in Spain, the Europeans basically said good luck to America, but a number of them also said we will just have to see what he does and hope for the best. I do not know why, but I feel like NY will be the one lucky state that will thrive through these next four years of Trump presidency. A part of me is like, "Efosa, just stay in Europe for the next 4 years”.
Honestly, I was thinking about staying in Spain until my visa expires, have my mom send me my Nigerian passport and stay there for some time or go and lay low in China for a while. But I realized that running away from America will not solve the issues our country is plagued by because in actuality there is no one country that is perfect and there are still great things in America that I can't just desert it . The next step that needs to be taken are young adults researching about politicians at the local level who are capable of being president in the near future so that we don't have another election similar to this year. Truthfully, I know with the Grace of God I will still be successful regardless of who is in presidency.
All we can do is just wait and see what type of legacy Trump will lead.
That’s it for now everyone !
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