Since I can remember, I have always enjoyed learning about various cultures because I find it very fascinating how disparate parts of the world can be so close to each other but vastly different. Other than Spaniards, I have met many Norwegians, Asians (Koreans, Japanese, Hong Konger) Germans, Irish, Italians, Scotts, Poles and Finns. A common similarity I found between each of them is how commonly they know more than one language. I found it interesting that most of my classmates could speak at least three to four languages. I asked them was it a choice of their parents or mandatory from their ruling government? Each of them responded that it is encouraged in their country to know at least two languages if not three because Europe is a continent where there is an array of multiple languages. After hearing this, I was appalled because America as a whole is a country where English is preferred because there is this general misconception that everyone all over the world can speak or understands English. As a result, most Americans mainly speak English. Of course there is an exception to this, which is the people whose cultural background is not American, then being multilingual is encouraged (which is true in my family). Another observation I made about European countries is that after graduating from high school it is highly recommended the youth take a gap year. For a year or two, Europeans work, travel to different countries, join the army, or learn another language while figuring out what they want to do with the rest of their lives.
Personally, I think the gap year phenomenon is a wonderful idea that needs to be broadcasted more in high schools especially in inner cities because I know a few of my close friends and associates who would have benefited from that experience. A week ago, I had the pleasure to listen to a first-hand perspective about the gap year programs from an young adult and her insightful parent. To my surprise a girl who is studying abroad with me mentioned how she did a gap year after high school and it was the best decision she could have ever made at that point in her life. She travelled to different parts of the world, met people with similar interests as her and most importantly was able to do self-discovery before embarking on her college journey. Afterwards, I asked her father, "Were you in full support of your daughter's decision to not enroll into college right after high school?" He responded truthfully, "Yes, I was 100 percent in support of her choice because we knew at the time if she went when she was not fully ready, then she would not appreciate college as much as she does now.” As the conversation continued about gap years , I realized that many of us attend college right after college not having a clue about what we want to major in let alone if college is what we want to truly do. Since attending college is a social norm or another life accomplishment to check off, many people enter college not mentally, financially, emotionally, socially or physically ready. Unfortunately, people do not finish college and have to suffer from the shame portrayed by their families and friends for being a “dropout”. I can say after this conversation and my personal experience with the college journey, I have a better outlook on the college process for high schoolers. Rather than expressing to them the only option they have is to attend college right after high school , I can inform them about gap year programs and the requirements, benefits, and the ultimate purpose of the programs.

Another part of Spain we decided to visit for a weekend was Ibiza, which is known as the island where the best parties in the whole world take place. We took a bus to a boat in order to get to Ibiza and let me tell you , it was an interesting journey. I have never met a group of people who enjoy House Music as much as Spaniards. They were filled with so much energy that they were dancing for the entire 3 hr boat ride. IBIZA WAS THE HIGHLIGHT TRIP FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER. It was amazing meeting people from all over the world, enjoying different types of music especially HIP HOP , RNB, but that wasn't the best of it. On our last night in Ibiza we decided to go to a club called Pacaha, BEST DECISION WE MADE. The club was broken off into three or four parts where music of all sorts was played and I was so elated to find a part that was playing music from back home. Don't get me wrong I am enjoying my time in Spain and the music being played at the various clubs we visit, but a sister has to return back to her roots of Hip-Hop and RNB. As I was enjoying myself, and thinking this night couldn't get any better, I found I was gravely mistaken. After dancing for over three hours, I decided to take a break and THEY PLAYED AFRICAN MUSIC (IVORY COAST TO BE EXACT) ❗❗❗❗❗❗ I WAS SO EXCITED I JUMPED OUT OF MY SEAT AND STARTED BUSTING MY AFRICAN MOVES ON THE DANCEFLOOR. IT WAS SUCH A GREAT NIGHT & THE TIMING WAS PERFECT BECAUSE I WAS CELEBRATING THE INDEPENDENCE OF MY BELOVED COUNTRY, NIGERIA. AFRICANS ARE MAKING IT WORLDWIDE.
So that’s life outside of classes, but I am also learning a lot at school
¡Hola Santiago! ¿Qué tal?
¡Hola Efosa! Muy Bien, ¿Cómo estas?
Muy Bien, Profesor, Jefe Lol

As I start my new level of Spanish class, I notice I am becoming more comfortable in conversing in Spanish with people outside of the classroom setting. Regardless if I say it correctly, I am having fun throughout the experience. (That's the whole point of this trip right?) Well until next time !